Home Inspections

Multi Family Home Inspection

Welcome to our comprehensive Multi-Family Home Inspection service.

Our professional inspectors specialize in evaluating multi-family homes of all sizes. We understand that the safety and comfort of your family and tenants are of outmost importance, and our team will evaluate every aspect to ensure it meets the highest standards.

Our team will assess the condition of your Roof, Foundation, Structure, Basement or Crawl Space, Plumbing, Electrical Systems, Heating and Cooling Systems, Floors, Windows, Ceilings & Interior Walls, Attic and all other major components of your home. We will also evaluate the common areas, including hallways, stairways, and other shared spaces.

While a home inspection is a limited, non-invasive examination of the condition of a home, often in connection with the sale of that home. We will provide you with a detailed report outlining any defects, safety concerns, or maintenance issues, enabling you to make an informed decision about the purchase or sale of your Multi-Family Investment.

All Inspections are conducted by a Licensed and Insured home inspector.

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